Everybody Deserves A Yearbook
The more students in your school the more money it costs for a print yearbook. The more students, the higher the cost, the harder it is to sell the yearbook. It creates either stress on the PTA to pay for books, or more commonly, and sadly leaves out those students that can’t pay.
But interactive, digital yearbooks with virtual signing level the playing field so everybody in school can have a yearbook for a small publishing fee.
The school pays a one-time fee and everybody with a portrait in the yearbook (staff & students) get the full yearbook on their mobile device. They can sign each others’ yearbook as well as send stickers or even a short video to classmates.
It’s all stored forever with their yearbook in the secure cloud.
With FC Yearbook schools can order traditional high-quality print yearbooks at the guaranteed lowest prices in the industry—or families can order a print copy sent to their home, directly from the app with all those precious personal messages printed inside.
With FC Yearbooks “Everybody Deserves A Yearbook” and everybody gets one. And it’s the only yearbook company where you can commit to no printed copies at all!
Learn more at FCyearbook.com
or email Nicole at nicole.bentley@memoriesintouch.com