Virtual Yearbook Robert Davidson Virtual Yearbook Robert Davidson

How do you sign a yearbook virtually? Part 1

How do you sign virtually?

High School & Middle School edition

To sign the yearbook first you need…. the yearbook! And to sign it virtually, it needs to be on your mobile device.

With FC Yearbook you get the complete yearbook in full resolution on your ipad or phone, and it’s interactive. You simply tap a portrait and leave your message for your teacher or classmate.

But you’re not done yet. After you receive the signature messages from your classmates, you simply tap-to-order a high-quality printed book (hard or soft cover) sent directly to your home with the messages printed inside!

Whatever your school’s situation, your students deserve the time-honored tradition of a yearbook with personal messages to memorialize their year.

Make sure everybody gets the yearbook this year with the only true interactive yearbook, FC Yearbook.

Learn more at

or email Nicole at

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